ProVotes is the best way to reward players for voting on your server by giving you endless options for customizability. Incentivizing your players to vote will lead you to the top of the server lists. This plugin can be used for any server! With a extended action based library you can easily customize it to suit your needs!
Requires Votifier or an equivalent plugin that uses the same event methods
************* REQUIRES JAVA 8 *************
Compiled and tested for Spigot 1.7.10 and above, support for earlier versions will not be provided.
ProVotes has a ton to offer, however below are some of the features that makes it worth while!![[IMG] [IMG]](
- Multi-Server support (read below)
- Completely customizable reward system
- Define an unlimited amount of rewards
- Automatic top weekly & monthly voter rewards
- Built in VoteParty system
- Permission based rewards
- Cumulative based rewards
- Chance based rewards
- Leaderboard system (3 types)
- Leaderboard player menu
- Built in vote forwarder
- MySQL support
- Advanced vote reminder system
- Reward inheritance
- Max daily votes
- Customizable rewards & links command
- Auto reset on new month (optional)
- Vote services whitelist
- Action based system (full customization)
- JavaScript action integration
- Offline saving until player joins
- PlaceholderAPI & MVdWPlaceholder support
- Message customization
- And much more!
With all of these features you can truly optimize the voting experience for your players and your server!
![[IMG] [IMG]](
Check out VoteTop by @Nexious to display your top voters on your server site! (Requires MySQL setup)