Please read the whole description before purchasing the plugin. By purchasing this plugin you agree to the Terms of Service at the bottom of the description below.
Important - please install the latest ProtocolLib dev build since it's a dependency!
With PremiumVanish you can be fully invisible and undetectable for other players while being more efficient at your administrative work
PremiumVanish is not just a regular vanish plugin.
It makes you undetectable and provides tools which help with catching rule-breakers. It's designed to be complete, secure and reliable.
It doesn't use the standard way of hiding players - it uses packet interception with ProtocolLib(which is a dependency) to prevent any information about vanished players from being sent to other players.
This is much more secure and complete than the conventional method since it acts like a firewall between the server and other players which actually checks every packet of information sent to other players and doesn't fully rely on Bukkit's hidePlayer() mechanism, which is incomplete and not fully optimized for vanish plugins.
To complete the illusion of you not being online, PremiumVanish can modify the outcome of other plugins' commands, provides support for BungeeCord/Velocity, adds custom placeholders to lots of plugins and includes direct support for many popular plugins.
There are many features and tools to make catching griefers and hackers as easy and quick as possible(details below).
Most significant features:
(you can get more details by doing /pv help in-game)
You can change /pv to something else in the config file if there are conflicts with other plugins
There is also a bungeecord command called /networkvanish which toggles whether you always join the bungeecord vanished (Requires PV to be installed on bungeecord). This command does not exist in the Velocity extension yet.
Important - please install the latest ProtocolLib dev build since it's a dependency!
![[IMG] [IMG]](
With PremiumVanish you can be fully invisible and undetectable for other players while being more efficient at your administrative work
PremiumVanish is not just a regular vanish plugin.
It makes you undetectable and provides tools which help with catching rule-breakers. It's designed to be complete, secure and reliable.
It doesn't use the standard way of hiding players - it uses packet interception with ProtocolLib(which is a dependency) to prevent any information about vanished players from being sent to other players.
This is much more secure and complete than the conventional method since it acts like a firewall between the server and other players which actually checks every packet of information sent to other players and doesn't fully rely on Bukkit's hidePlayer() mechanism, which is incomplete and not fully optimized for vanish plugins.
To complete the illusion of you not being online, PremiumVanish can modify the outcome of other plugins' commands, provides support for BungeeCord/Velocity, adds custom placeholders to lots of plugins and includes direct support for many popular plugins.
There are many features and tools to make catching griefers and hackers as easy and quick as possible(details below).
![[IMG] [IMG]](
Most significant features:
- Fully hides players on packet level which is much more secure and cant be broken by other plugins (Hidden in the game, tablist, playercounts, serverlist, etc; It's exactly like you are not online)
- You can specify which player can see which player more precisely using layered permissions, e.g. nobody but the owner can see admins but admins can still see mods and mods can see each other; you can change your vanish level at any time with a command
- You can toggle spectator mode to glide through walls or teleport to players by simply pressing shift twice
- There is a customizable scoreboard that shows information about a target (nearest or specific player) which is highlighted using a glow effect in-game which only you can see
- Bungeecord and Velocity support which hides invisible players in /glist and /server
- PremiumVanish can be configured to modify the outcome of other plugins' commands to support its functionality (primarily to fake "Player not found" messages on Spigot/Bungee)
- You can limit what vanished players can do based on permissions
- There is a HUGE config file which can customize anything (seriously, check it out)
- Support for lots of plugins by implementing the APIs of popular vanish plugins, providing full placeholder support and hooking into many popular plugins
![[IMG] [IMG]](
(you can get more details by doing /pv help in-game)
You can change /pv to something else in the config file if there are conflicts with other plugins
![[IMG] [IMG]](
There is also a bungeecord command called /networkvanish which toggles whether you always join the bungeecord vanished (Requires PV to be installed on bungeecord). This command does not exist in the Velocity extension yet.