- Show the players only commands that they should see
- Customize tab-completions (also subarg tab-completion)
- Block or only allow specific commands
- Customize or disable the message if a blocked command is executed
- Groupsystem with command and tabcomplete list (read more at the groups section)
- Customize or disable the /pl message
- Protection against spyclients
- ColorCodes can be used in the config
- Customize the server brand in the upper left of the f3 debug screen, which showing the server software
- Add all commands from a plugin with one entry (Bukkit registered commands)
- Can also remove Bungeecord/Velocity commands from the tabcompletion, if installed on Bungeecord/Velocity
- Note: My plugin won't add any new commands or tabcompletion, it is just editing existing ones
If you are unsure whether you want to buy the plugin, you can also use/test my free version with less functions [click]
- Create groups, each one has a command list and a tab-complete list
- There are two types of groups
- Whitelist -> allows commands or displays commands in tabcomplete (on by default)
- Blacklist -> Blocks commands or removes commands from tabcomplete (can be enable via permission)
- To add a specific group to a user, add the permission plhide.group. <group>. If a player has 2 groups permissions, then the group is set depending on the priority (the higher the number, the higher the priority).
- If the the groups has the same priority they get merged
- With the Bungeecord/Velocity version you can chose on which servers the groups should be applied
- A group can inherit from other groups.
- Groups are inherited recursively
- Only the groups for which the current server of the player corresponds to the inherited group are inherited [Bungee/Velocity version].
Presentation Video (outdated)
by KasaiSora
by KasaiSora
- A permission manager like LuckPerms
- PacketEvents
- The plugin only officially works on Spigot, Paper, Folia, Bungeecord, Waterfall and Velocity. Any other forks might not work, because they are incompatible with packetevents!
- Java 17 or higher is required!
Installation steps:
click here
If you have any questions, you can have a look at the wiki in advance.[click]
click here
If you have any questions, you can have a look at the wiki in advance.[click]