PlotSquared v7

MC Plugin PlotSquared v7 7.3.8
The best plot plugin available for Minecraft.


- skip valid location check for world plots (#4388)
- fix plot music volume to span full plot (#4391)

⚙️ Changes for plugin developers

- Make builds reproducible (#4395)

Click here for the full changelog:

- fix: allow trusted players to remove books from lecterns while lectern-read-book flag is true (#4336)
- fix-armor-stand-caps (#4355)

✨ Features

- Introduce tile-drop flag @Fameless9 (#4371)
- Feat: adding "last" argument for Visit cmd to choose the highest number (#4219)


- Add a placeholder for grants (#4380)

- Prevent loading faraway chunks (#4370)

✨ Features

- feat: introduce a flag section into the config for instabreak (#4368)
- feat: introduce a fishing flag (#4343)

- return false if PLACE\_VEHICLE and missing flag (#4345)
- Remove static print out of legacy schematic URL (#4341)

Click here for the full changelog:

- Suppress errors due to failed getEntitySpawnReason implementation (#4334)
- Avoid creating EntityDamageByEntityEvent (#4332)
- fix: allow allay breeding (#4325)

✨ Features

- Introduce base plot count placeholder (#4328)
- feat: configurable accounting for bedrock layer when setting components (#4266)

While updating PlotSquared, ensure you update your server software too!

Click here for the full changelog:
- Fallback to areas QueueCoordinator when passing null (#4300)
- Use MUSIC soundcategory for plot music flag (#4302)
- Do not remove entitys with CUSTOM spawn-reason on CreatureSpawnEvent. (#4297)
- Fix home command reset (#4295)
- Fix minimessage tag resolver in list command (#4290)
- Add admin permission override to edit signs (#4287)
- fix: allow pistons on merged plot road if detect-invalid-edge-pistons true (#4257)

✨ Features
- Add events for plot buying (#4291)
- feat: add specific admin permissions for placing vehicles (#4258)
- PostPlotClearEvent added (#4268)

✅ Chore
- refactor: move leave event dispact to after logic (#4260)

- Fix: disable sign-coloring when edit-sign flag is false (#4252)
- fix: re-add default spawn option and disclude armour stands (#4240)
- Fix: permission check for integer flags (#4217)
- Make '/plot download world' clickable (#4239)
- Update 'remove' command to remove all added, trusted and denied players at once (#4106)
- Fix: chest\_boat not removing (#4231)

✨ Features

- feat: add HasOwner PlotFilter filter (#4259)
- Introduce `edit-sign` flag (#4236)
- Feat(API): Mutable Location in PlayerTeleportToPlotEvent (#4196)

✅ Chore

- Declare explicit runtime dependency on 'junit-platform-launcher' (#4255)

Click here for the full changelog:

A specific update for 1.20.3/4 is not needed.

- Delay economy initialization to server load (#4216)
- Fix: including "highestLimit" number (#4218)

✨ Features

- Add info about service providers to debugpaste (#4226)
- feat: add configurable border size (#4213)

✅ Chore

- Simplify Plot#getConnectedPlots and share cache between connected plots (#4212)
- Address deprecated 'Times#of()' in 'PlotPlayer' (#4207)
- chore: remove poorly implemented /ps debug loadedchunks command (#4180)
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