PlayerControlPlus | Save and Inspect players Activity on your Server [1.8-1.16]

MC Plugin PlayerControlPlus | Save and Inspect players Activity on your Server [1.8-1.16] 3.9.2
Register automatically what players do. Check the stored data on an informative and advanced GUI.


The plugin will constantly save what your players do on your server/network. If someone writes something in the chat, executes a command, kills a user, even craft some item, the plugin is going to save it. Using the
/pc check command you will be able to see all player information inside an interactive inventory, filtering and sorting what you need.

The plugin has support for multiple events/actions (even other plugins events) and you can define which variables will be stored. For example, for a JOIN event, you can set the specific location where the player joined. Sensitive information like
/login and /register commands will not be saved!

The plugin has support with PlaceholderAPI so you can save 1000+ variables. The plugin allows you to save custom events from other plugins.



Because there is already a free version of this plugin called PlayerControl, but this one has extra features mentioned below.


✓ = PlayerControl | ✓ = PlayerControlPlus

- Log file for every player
Saves Actions:
  • Join, Leave, Chat, Commands, Change World, Block Break, Block Places, Kills, Deaths, Drops
  • Craft Item, Interact Item, Pickup Item, Entity Kill, Player Kick
  • Unlimited Custom Events from other plugins
- Check player events in Real Time
- Information removal after a period of time
- PlaceholderAPI variables
MySQL Database
- GUI Inventory to see data inside the game
- Filter Player data by Category and Time
- Sort Player data by Time and Activity
- Search data for specific word/phrase
- Modify Inventory data descriptions
- Modify inventory data items
- Save data permission
- Conditions for Actions
- Ignore players
- Extra options for Actions
- Improved performance


Spigot or Paper (not craftbukkit)
2) PlaceholderAPI (optional)

To install the plugin on your server just place the PlayerControlPlus file inside your plugins folder and start your server. You can now start inspecting some player information inside the game using the /pc check command. Player files will be created when closing the server, it is important not to edit these files.

Below you can find information about the plugin.

Spoiler: GUI Inventory
Spoiler: Events/Actions
Spoiler: Config.yml Tutorial
Spoiler: Bungee/Network Tutorial
Spoiler: Global Variables
Spoiler: Real Time
Spoiler: Messages.yml Tutorial


Alias: /pc, /playerc

-/playercontrol realtime <player> Enables/Disables Real Time messages for a Player.
-/playercontrol check (optional) <player> Checks player data on a GUI
-/playercontrol reload Reloads config files.

There is just one permission to access commands: playercontrol.admin


Spoiler: Screenshots

Please avoid posting bad ratings before asking. If you have problems or bugs with the plugin contact with me or post on the plugin discussion and I will take a look at it. You are welcome to give me suggestions of new features you would like to add to the plugin
Author FateKid
6,835 pts
3.9.2 Version
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings Average Rating (1)

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