LobbyGames [1.8.x-1.21.x] ✅ High Quality Minigames ✅ 100% Customizable ⭕ Increase Player Retention

MC Plugin LobbyGames [1.8.x-1.21.x] ✅ High Quality Minigames ✅ 100% Customizable ⭕ Increase Player Retention 1.9.4
Create Pool Tables, Soccer / Football, Connect 4, Snake, 2048, Minesweeper, Tic Tac Toe, and more!


Engage Your Players and Increase Retention
Adding new minigame arenas takes only seconds

Essential for Quality of Life
Featuring stunning visuals and animations without clunky GUIs or maps


Punch the ball into the net!


8-Ball Pool
Pocket all of the balls, then the 8-ball!


Eat apples without crashing into a wall or yourself!


Use the numbers to find all the land mines!


Slide the tiles to combine them without running out of space!

Click as many green blocks as you can!


Be the last one standing in the arena!


Connect 4
Connect 4 of your color in any direction!

You can download the schematics for these maps in the discord server!
Tic Tac Toe and Sudoku Not Shown (See these on the test servers)
Default Config File:
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission!"
interworld-teleportation-enabled: true #allow a player in world A to join a lobby game in world B (disable if you have multiple lobby worlds on the same server)

leaderboard-size: 5
leaderboard-title: "&2&l%game% Leaderboard:"
leaderboard-format: "&b%ranking%: &a%player% &6%score%"
leaderboard-entry-expiration: 3 #number of days a leaderboard entry will last, -1 for no expiry
merge-leaderboard-scores: true #if false, a new entry will be made for each time a player scores on the leaderboard
use-display-names: true #if true, shows scoreboard rank prefixes on the leaderboard

cooldown-msg: "&cYou must wait %seconds% second(s) to do this!"
cooldown-seconds: 3 #the number of seconds a player must wait until they can rejoin a game
return-to-game-spawn: true #if false, player is teleported to where they were standing before starting the game
countdown-format: "&eThe game will start in &c%seconds% &eseconds!"
waiting-players: "&cWaiting for more players to join..."
quit-item-title: "&c&lQuit"
quit-item-material: "ARROW"

error-already-in-game: "&4Error: &cYou are already in a game, use /lg quit"
error-must-be-in-game: "&4Error: &cYou must be in a game to do this!"
error-no-arenas-available: "&4Error: &cThere are no open arenas for this game!"
error-arena-in-use: "&4Error: &cThis arena is already in use!"
error-arena-not-exist: "&4Error: &cThis arena does not exist!"
error-wrong-world: "&4Error: &cYou cannot access this arena from this world!"
not-enough-balance: "&cThis game costs $%cost% to play!"
restart-confirmation: "&cAre you sure you want to restart?"
status-translate: "Open, Waiting, In Use" #Default (keep the commas): "Open, Waiting, In Use"
yes-text: "&a&lYes"
no-text: "&c&lNo"
your-turn-msg: "&aYour Turn"
opponent-turn-msg: "&7Opponent's Turn"
not-your-turn-msg: ""

  enabled: false
  username: "username"
  password: "password"
  host: "localhost:3306"
  name: "database"

#Blocked commands apply to players who are in a Lobby Game and don't have the lobbygames.command permission
command-blocked-msg: "&cYou cannot use this command while playing this game!"
command-block-mode: 1 #0: Command Blocking Disabled,  1: Only listed commands are blocked,  2: All commands blocked unless on the list
 - "tpa"
 - "tpahere"
 - "tpaccept"

  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  action-bar: "&aScore: &f%score%"
  start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&l2048: &bUse the W, A, S, and D keys to merge tiles and get to the 2048 tile without filling the board![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  end-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lRan out of moves! &bScore:&f %score% Points[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  reset-on-end: false
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when the player creates a 2048 tile. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in 2048! [newline] eco give %player% 100"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends

  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  blocks-per-game: 40 #every game will create x blocks, each block is randomly green or red. Default: 40
  seconds-in-air: 2.5 #adjust the speed of the block. Default: 2.5s
  start-msg: ""
  green-blocks: "&aClick!"
  red-blocks: "&cDon't Click!"
  score-format: "&a&lScore: &f&l%score% &6(%remaining% Remaining)"
  win-msg: "[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lScore: &f%score%[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when game finishes. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in Clicker! [newline] eco give %player% 10"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
  translatable-words: "Red, Yellow"
  side-msg: "&bYou are playing as %side%!"
  start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lConnect 4: &bAdd tiles to the top of the board and try to connect 4 of your color in any row, column, or diagonal![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  draw-msg: "&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lThis game is a draw![newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
  win-msg: "&6&m----------------------------------------[newline]&e&l%winner%&e won the Connect 4 game![newline]&6&m----------------------------------------"
  reset-on-end: false
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when game finishes. Example: "broadcast %winner% won in Connect 4 against %loser%! [newline] eco give %winner% 30"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends

  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-xcommand-on-end for %winner%
  player-can-fly: true #Recommended, flying lets player see more clearly
  flag-armor-stands-enabled: true #Landmine flag decoration
  landmine-distribution: 0.1666 #Number of landmines per cell. Recommended between 0.14 (easy) and 0.2 (hard)
  wand-title: "&c&lSet Flag"
  action-bar: "&4&l%remaining_mines%&c mines remaining! &c&l%time%"
  start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lMinesweeper: &bThere are %starting_mines% landmines randomly spread through the grid! Right-click to open a cell, and use the flag tool to mark a landmine. The numbers represent how many mines a cell is touching![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  end-msg: "[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&c&lBOOM! You clicked a landmine![newline]&bScore: &f%minutes% Minutes, %seconds% Seconds (%remaining_mines% Mines Remaining)[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  win-msg: "[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lYou win![newline]&aScore: &f%minutes% minutes, %seconds% seconds[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
  reset-on-end: false
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when player clears board. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in Minesweeper! [newline] eco give %player% 30"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends

  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
  practice-mode-enabled: true
  proximity-joining: false #Players automatically join pool if they walk near the table
  same-color: false #if enabled, makes all balls of a given side the same color (Change "Wool" and "Terracotta" to the colors in the translatable-words entry)
  solids-color: 5 #if same-color is enabled. 1:orange, 2:magenta, 3:light-blue, 4:yellow, 5:lime, 6:pink, 7:gray, 8:light-gray, 9:cyan, 10:purple, 11:blue, 12:brown, 13: green, 14:red
  stripes-color: 1 #if same-color is enabled
  cue-blaze-rod: false #alternate cue item
  particles-enabled: true
  translatable-words: "Ball, Cue Ball, Pocketed, Wool, Terracotta" #Default (Keep the commas): "Ball, Cue Ball, Pocketed, Wool, Terracotta"
  translatable-power-words: "&aLow Power, &eMedium Power, &6High Power, &cHighest Power"
  pocketed-8ball: "&cThe 8-ball was pocketed!"
  redo-break: "&bThis break was not strong enough, try again!"
  side-designation: "&bYou need to pocket the &b&l%side%&b balls!"
  cueball-title: "&f&lCue Ball &7(Click anywhere on table)"
  cueball-description: "&7Hit this with the cue"
  cueball-inhand: "&b%player% has the cue ball in hand!"
  8ball-description: "&7Pocket this &conly&7 after pocketing[newline]&7all of your other designated balls!"
  cue-item-title: "&3Cue &7(Click the white cue ball)"
  open-gui-item-title: "&bOpen Pool Menu"
  gui-title: "Pool Ball Status"
  practice-mode-msg: "&aPractice while you wait for an opponent!"
  exit-practice-mode: "&cExit Practice Mode"
  pocketed-balls: "&3%name% pocketed %count% ball(s):[newline]&b  Wool: &f%wool_pocketed%[newline]&b  Terracotta: &f%terracotta_pocketed%"
  start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lPool: &bHit the (white) cue ball to pocket other balls! Don't hit the (black) 8-ball until all of your designated balls have been pocketed.[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  win-msg: "&6&m----------------------------------------[newline]&e&l%winner%&e won the 8-Ball game![newline]&6&m----------------------------------------"
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when game ends. Example: "broadcast %winner% won in Pool against %loser%! [newline] eco give %winner% 50"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends

  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  action-bar: "&b%score% Apple(s)"
  start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lSnake: &bEat apples to grow larger, but don't run into the walls or yourself! Use the W, A, S, and D keys to move![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  end-msg: "[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&c&l%reason%[newline]&bScore:&f %score% Apple(s)[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  hit-wall-msg: '&c&lYou hit a wall!'
  ran-into-self-msg: '&c&lYou ran into yourself!'
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when game ends. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in Snake! [newline] eco give %player% %score%"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends

  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
  proximity-joining: true #Players automatically join soccer if they walk into the arena
  point-win-threshold: 5 #the number of goals a team needs to win
  game-max-time: -1 #Units of seconds. If this is set, the game will end on the timer INSTEAD of when the point-win-threshold is reached.
  player-join-threshold: 2 #the minimum number of players that the game will start at
  countdown-seconds: 20 #after the player threshold is met, how many seconds until the game starts
  boost-jump-enabled: true
  boost-jump-cooldown: 6 #seconds
  action-bar: "%score%" #add %timer% placeholder if you are using game-max-time entry
  boost-jump-title: "&a&lBoost Jump &7(Right-click)"
  ball-respawn-delay: 4 #number of seconds after a goal is scored for the ball to drop
  ball-respawn-msg: "&eThe ball will respawn in &c%seconds% &esecond(s)!"
  start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lSoccer: &bPunch the ball into your team's net to win points! Get 10 points to win![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&aThe game has started!"
  team1-join-title: "&bJoin blue team &7(Right-click)"
  team1-wool-title: "&bYou are on the &b&lBLUE&b team!"
  team1-score-msg: "&9&lBLUE team scored a goal! &7[ %score% &7]"
  team1-win-msg: "[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&bBLUE team won the game![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  team2-join-title: "&cJoin red team &7(Right-click)"
  team2-wool-title: "&cYou are on the &c&lRED&c team!"
  team2-score-msg: "&c&lRED team scored a goal! &7[ %score% &7]"
  team2-win-msg: "[newline]&4&m----------------------------------------[newline]&cRED team won the game![newline]&4&m----------------------------------------"
  score-format: "&9&l%team1_score%&7&l - &c&l%team2_score%"
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when a team wins. Example: "broadcast %winning_player_list% won against %losing_player_list% in Soccer!"
  console-command-on-end-per-player: "" #Runs once for each player on winning team. Example: "eco give %player% 25"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
  countdown-seconds: 30
  melt-delay: 50 #how many seconds the game should wait until blocks start melting under players' feet (enter -1 for no melting)
  start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lSpleef: &bUse the shovel to break the snow blocks and don't fall below the surface! The last one standing wins![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  player-eliminated-msg: "&e%eliminated_player%&c was eliminated! &6%remaining% players remaining!"
  win-msg: "&6&m----------------------------------------[newline]&e&l%winner%&e won the Spleef game![newline]&6&m----------------------------------------"
  blocks-melting-msg: "&cBlocks are now melting!"
  blocks-melting-seconds-msg: "&eBlocks melting in &c%seconds%&e seconds!"
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs once for the winner of the game. Example: "broadcast %player% won a game of Spleef! [newline] eco give %player% 30"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
  player-can-fly: true #Recommended, flying lets the player see more clearly
  particles-enabled: true
  prefilled-count: 45 #set difficulty
  reset-on-end: false
  action-bar: "&aTime: &f%time%"
  invalid-solution: "&cInvalid Solution!" #if all spaces are filled but not a correct sudoku
  start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lSudoku: &bSet the numbers in the puzzle so every row, column, and 3x3 box has one of each digit from 1 to 9![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  win-msg: "&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lYou finished the sudoku! &aTime: %time%[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when player fills board correctly. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in Sudoku! [newline] eco give %player% 50"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
  game-alias: "" #translatable game name
  wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
  join-side-title: "&bSwitch to %side%&b's"
  now-playing-as: "&bYou will play as %side%&b's!"
  side-msg: "[newline]&bYou are playing as %side%&b's!"
  start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lTic Tac Toe: &bGet three X's or three O's in a row to win![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
  draw-msg: "&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lThis game is a draw![newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
  win-msg: "&6&m----------------------------------------[newline]&e&l%winner%&e won the Tic Tac Toe game![newline]&6&m----------------------------------------"
  console-command-on-end: "" #Runs win player wins against opponent. Example: "broadcast %winner% won in Tic Tac Toe against %loser%! [newline] eco give %winner% 15"
  console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends

join-sign-text: "JOIN"
#  [JOIN] signs:
#  To create a clickable sign to join an arena, use the following format:
#    |                   |
#    |       [JOIN]      |
#    | <GameType>:<Data> |
#    |                   |
#  For the <Data> section, the following can be used:
#    Case A: Join the first available arena (Default, if <Data> is left blank)
#    Case B: Join the nearest arena relative to the sign location
#    [Number]: Join a specific arena id (Ex: "Tic Tac Toe:4")
#  Example: (Joins the nearest soccer arena)
#    |                   |
#    |       [JOIN]      |
#    |      Soccer:B     |
#    |                   |
/lg join <game> [arena id]
/snake, /soccer, /2048, etc.
/lg restart
/lg quit

With permission lobbygames.command:
/lg list [game]
/lg tp <game> <arena id>

With permission lobbygames.kickplayer:
/lg kick <player>

With permission lobbygames.forcejoin
/lgjoinplayer <player> <game> [arena id]

With permission lobbygames.admin:
/lg reload
/lg leaderboard <create|clear|delete> <game>
/lg create <game>
/lg delete <game> <arena id>
LobbyGames supports PlaceholderAPI! No command is necessary to install the placeholders.

(For leaderboard placeholders, there must be at least 1 global leaderboard set up)
Author shanruto
4,875 pts
1.9.4 Version
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings Average Rating (1)

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