Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support

MC Plugin Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.21 Support 7.12.0
Feature rich GUI, Taxes, Settings, Flags, Easy to use, Titles, Rewards, Dynmap, Upkeep, Rent, Wars

Lands now requires Java 21 or newer.

+ Added: Support for Nexo items, blocks and furniture
You can use them in the GUI, for the mainblock and tools etc. for every item or block in Lands

How to use them:

+ Changed: /lands trust <player> no longer trusts a player to all subareas unless specified via the area parameter: /lands trust <player> <area or * for all subareas>
The same applies to untrust, ban, unban, setrole
- Fixed: 1.20.1 WindCharge error
- Fixed: Error at container deletion in rare cases
- Fixed: Some checks enforcing relation limits
- Fixed: Some issues regarding the relations API
- Fixed: Vehicle use flag minor issue
+ Changed: Prevent explosions at prime stage
- Fixed: Inbox message not broadcasted to everyone
  • Like (+1)
Reactions: mrgabroh2
- Fixed: ProjectileHitEvent error
  • Like (+1)
Reactions: sixtysxx
+ Added: Bedrock forms for banned players
- Fixed: Missing claimblock_claim item GUI
- Fixed: Land storage should be disabled when using Redis
- Fixed: Essentials invsee causing issues with container protection on Folia
+ Added: You can now disable claiming for regular players in specific worlds, while still being able to create admin lands as a server admin.
  # Worlds where players should be able to claim. You can add all worlds by adding * to the list.
  # You can also set optional parameters such as, if claiming should be enabled for regular players without admin perms (permission: lands.admin.disabled-features)
  # and the minimum and maximum claim height. The format is a follows: <worldname>:<claiming>:<min-height>:<max-height>
  # NOTE: Minimum height can't be lower than your server's min height and maximum height can't be higher than your servers maximum height. The claim height of admin lands will always be maxed out.
  # NOTE: This setting requires server reload / restart.
  # Examples:
  #   'world' -> This results in the max claim height and claiming enabled for players.
  #   'world:true:30:319' -> This results in a claim height of 30 to 319 and claiming enabled for players.
  #   'world:false' -> Only server admins can claim in this world to create admin lands etc.
   - 'world'

Placeholder, Redis

+ Added: [Suggestion] %lands_land_name_cmd% PAPI placeholder
- Fixed: Wait for player data to load before initializing tp - redis


+ Added: [Suggestion] {land} placeholder for storage menu title
- Fixed: Unknown message: area-not-exist
- Fixed: Upkeep alter being sent, even if upkeep disabled
- Fixed: /lands wild - action not disabling in rare cases


- Fixed: Tenant not persisting between restart

PAPI, Bedrock

+ Added: parse hex color from 3rd party papi placeholders
- Fixed: Minor issues with bedrock menu
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