Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.20 Support

MC Plugin Lands ⭕ Land claim plugin ✅ Grief Prevention Protection GUI Management Nations Wars - 1.20 Support 7.1.0
Feature rich GUI, Taxes, Settings, Flags, Easy to use, Titles, Rewards, Dynmap, Upkeep, Rent, Wars

- Fixed: [#2525] error at membership request
- Fixed: [#2524] monster_spawn spawner option
- Fixed: [#2525] error at membership request
- Fixed: [#2524] monster_spawn spawner option
+ Added: API: area getId
- Fixed: lands.admin.command.wild permission message at /lands wild
Please install, if you're on 6.44.5.

+ Added: API: System flag states:
- Fixed: [#2512] Error on block break
- Fixed: [#2510] keep-inventory only on claimed
- Fixed: [#2499] dropped exp with keep-inv
- Fixed: [#2498] init on moist
- Fixed: [#2497] detecting cave air with extensive check
- Fixed: [#2489] edit tenant flag
- Fixed: [#2492] keep exp if keep-inventory
+ Added: WarHandler to API to allow 3rd party developers to add their own elements to wars
- Fixed: [#2487] don't create tenant role if rent AND sell is disabled
Short Format
+ Added: [Suggestion] short-unit format

# The short format will use the normal format if the value is lower than 1000.
# This format is only used in cases where there is not much space, like on signs.
# This will convert balances like the following:
# 1000000000 = 1B whereas {value} = 1 and {unit} = B
# 1000000 = 1M
# 1000 = 1k
short-unit: '${value}{unit}'
+ Added: [Suggestion] short-unit format

Code (YAML):
# The short format will use the normal format if the value is lower than 1000.
# This format is only used in cases where there is not much space, like on signs.
# This will convert balances like the following:
# 1000000000 = 1B whereas {value} = 1 and {unit} = B
# 1000000 = 1M
# 1000 = 1k
short-unit: '${value}{unit}'
+ Added: [Suggestion] short-unit format

Code (YAML):
# The short format will use the normal format if the value is lower than 1000.
# This format is only used in cases where there is not much space, like on signs.
# This will convert balances like the following:
# 1000000000 = 1B whereas {value} = 1 and {unit} = B
# 1000000 = 1M
# 1000 = 1k
short-unit: '${value}{unit}'

- Fixed: 3rd party plugins not able to set default state for flag
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