GWarpPro ⭐ Advanced Warp, Home, Spawn & Teleport Plugin ✅ [1.9 - 1.21] ✨

MC Plugin GWarpPro ⭐ Advanced Warp, Home, Spawn & Teleport Plugin ✅ [1.9 - 1.21] ✨ 1.2.3
✨ Create advanced Warps, Homes & Spawn with the many Teleport-Features ✨


Advanced Warp, Home, Spawn & Teleport Plugin

General Overview:

This is a huge Warp, Home, Spawn & Teleport Plugin with a lot of Settings and Functions which supports conections with other Plugins like Dynmap or BentoBox, which can all be changed by you in the Plugin-Config and the Lang-Files!

Supports Bukkit, Spigot & Paper-Servers from 1.9.x to 1.16.x!

If you like my Plugins and Libraries please support me by leaving a good Review!


Special Features:

100% customizable
Very good performance

Easy to use commands!

Safe-Warp Feature
If the "Safe-Warp"-Feature is active, you can teleport to this Warp-Setup:


If the "Safe-Warp"-Feature is active, you can't teleport to this Warp-Setup:


A huge amount of Settings to customize!




Tab-Complete for all Commands






Players can set endless Warps!

Private Homes
Players can set endless Homes!

And many more......


Special Premium Features:


Custom Dynmap Settings

Defined Dynmap-Pins and a Warp-Categorie

Change if Players can set there Warp and Homes on other Islands

Advanced Warp, Home and AdminWarp-Features


Tpa & TpaHere-Features

Set the Tpa-Respond-Time & Toggle Tpa-Requests

Teleport to the Spawn
You can teleport Players to the Spawn if they join your Server


Better WarpCooldowns

Warp-Cooldowns are now much more performant than in GWarp.
Also you can see how long the active Cooldown are until you can warp again!

Warp WarmUp-Features

Define a WarmUp-Timer which defines how long a Player must stand still until he gets teleported!

WorldBlacklist for Warps & Homes

More Config-Options!

Define if Players can use Warp / Home or the Spawn from a diffrent World

Define Warp-Welcome-Placeholder-Formats (Time and Date)

Create Warp-Signs for your Warps!

Create custom CommandShortcuts!

Custom Warp-Ratings!

Upgrade your Data from GWarp to GWarpPro!

Note: With the purchase of this Plugin you can get the Premium-Rank on the Discord-Server!!
Simply write to a Staff on the Server with your Spigot Name!


What is "Safe-Warp" ?:

This Plugin supports a Feature named "Safe-Warp"!

You can enable or disable it in the Plugin-Config.

But what is Safe-Warp?

"Safe-Warp" checks if a Warp is safe befor you get teleported to them,
so you are protected at traps, lava or other ways to kill the teleported Player.

When is a Warp safe?

A Warp is safe when 1 Block in each Direction of the Warp-Location is
Air and the Block under the Warp-Location is a Soild-Block.


Our Partners:

Thanks to our Premium Partner DedicatedMC!
Host your professional Minecraft Server now
with 15% off using the Code "Gecolay"!!



/warp help
-> Helplist
/warp <Warp> -> Warp yourself
/warp top -> Top-Warp-List
/warp list [<Page>] -> Warp-List
/warp set <Warpname> -> Create a Warp
/warp delete <Warp> -> Delete a Warp
/warp update <Warp> -> Move a Warp
/warp welcome <Warp> [<Text>/clear] -> Change a Warp's Welcome-Message
/warp warps [<Page>] [<Player>] -> Shows Player Warps
/warp lock <Warp> -> Lock or unlock a Warp
/warp owner <Warp> -> Shows the Warp-Owner
/warp password <Warp> [<Password>/clear] -> Set a Warp-Password
/warp effect <Warp> [<Effect>/clear] -> Change the Teleport-Effect
/warp sound <Warp> [<Sound>/clear] -> Change the Teleport-Sound
/warp icon <Warp> [<Material>/clear] -> Change the Warp-Icon
/warp rate <Warp> [<Rate>/clear] -> Rate a Warp
/warp rating <Warp> -> Shows a Warprating

/awarp help -> Helplist
/awarp <Warp> [<Player>] -> Warp a Player
/awarp set <Warpname> <Player> -> Create a Warp
/awarp delete <Warp> -> Delete a Warp
/awarp update <Warp> -> Move a Warp
/awarp welcome <Warp> [<Text>/clear] -> Change a Warp's Welcome-Message
/awarp lock <Warp> -> Lock or unlock a Warp
/awarp password <Warp> [<Password>/clear] -> Set a Warp-Password
/awarp effect <Warp> [<Effect>/clear] -> Change the Teleport-Effect
/awarp sound <Warp> [<Ton>/clear] -> Change the Teleport-Sound
/awarp count <Warp> -> Lock or unlock a Warp Visitorcounter
/awarp setowner <Warpname> <Player> -> Set a Warp-Owner
/awarp reset <Warpname> -> Reset a Warp Visitorcounter
/awarp icon <Warp> [<Material>/clear] -> Change the Warp-Icon
/awarp rate <Warp> <Player> [<Material>/clear] -> Rate a Warp
/awarp upgrade -> Upgrade the Warp-Data from GWarp

/home help -> Helplist
/home <Home> -> Home yourself
/home set <Homename> -> Create a Home
/home delete <Home> -> Delete a Home
/home update <Home> -> Move a Home
/home homes [<Page>] -> Show your Homes

/ahome help -> Helplist
/ahome <Home> <Player> [<Player>] -> Home a Player
/ahome set <Player> <Homename> -> Create a Home
/ahome delete <Player> <Home> -> Delete a Home
/ahome update <Player> <Home> -> Move a Home
/ahome homes <Player> [<Page>] -> Show Player Homes
/ahome upgrade -> Upgrade the Home-Data from GWarp

/tpa <Player>/accept/deny/info/revoke/toggle [<Player>] -> Tpa-Features
/tpahere <Player>/accept/deny/info/revoke/toggle [<Player>] -> TpaHere-Features
/gtp <Player> [<Player>] -> Tp-Features

/spawn [<Player>] -> Teleport to the Spawn
/setspawn -> Set the Spawn

/back [<Player>] -> Teleport to your last Teleport-Location


Update-Notification-Permission: GWarpPro.Update
Config-Reload-Permission: GWarpPro.GWarpProReload

Warp-Permissions (Default-Permissions marked Underlined):


(Default-Permissions marked Underlined):





(Default-Permissions marked Underlined):





Code (Text):

# Defines the Plugin-Language
lang: en_en


# Checks if a new Update got released
check-for-update: true

# Defines Shortcuts for Commands

setwarp: "gwarp set"
delwarp: "gwarp delete"
sethome: "ghome set"
delhome: "ghome delete"
teleport: "gtp"
tp: "gtp"


# Defines whether the Warp-Command opens the GUI
warp-command-open-gui: true

# Defines the Default Warp GUI
default-warp-gui: "menu"

# Defines the Default Material for a Warp-Icon
default-warp-icon: "GRASS_BLOCK"

# Defines whether Warps where shown on the Dynmap
show-warps-on-dynmap: true

# Defines the Warp-Icon on the Dynmap
dynmap-icon: "pin"

# Defines how many Warps should be shown in the "/warp top"
top-list-size: 10

# Defines the minimum Number of Visitors so that a Warp can be listed in the "/warp top"
min-visitors-for-top: 1

# Defines how many Warps should be shown on one Page of "/warp list"
list-page-size: 10

# Defines how many Warps should be shown on one Page of "/warp warps"
warps-page-size: 10

# Defines how many Warps a Player can create without any extra Permissions
default-warp-amount: 1

# Defines the maximum length of a Warpname
max-warp-length: 20

# Defines whether a Player can create a Warp only on his Island (Only works with BentoBox)
set-warp-only-on-island: true

# Defines whether the Owner counts as Visitor, when he teleported to his Warp
owner-count-as-visitor: false

# Defines whether a Player can only teleported to a Warp if he is in the same World as the Warp-Location
use-warp-only-in-same-world: false

# Defines whether a Player can only teleported to a Warp if the Warp is safe (Can be ignored with Permission)
use-safe-warp: true

# Defines the Warp-Effect

particle-amount: 50
particle-offset-x: 1.0
particle-offset-y: 1.0
particle-offset-z: 1.0
particle-speed: 0.1

# Defines the Warp-Sound

sound-volume: 1.0
sound-pitch: 1.0

# Defines the Time-Placeholder-Format for the Welcome-Message
welcome-time-format: "HH:mm:ss"

# Defines the Date-Placeholder-Format for the Welcome-Message
welcome-date-format: "dd.MM.yyyy"

# Defines the Warp-Cooldown in Seconds until a Player can use the "/warp <Warp>" again (Can be ignored with Permission)
warp-cooldown: 10.0

# Defines the Seconds a Player must wait, to get teleported to the Warp (Can be ignored with Permission)
warp-warmup: 0.0

# Defines whether a Warp WarmUp should be canceled if the Player moves
cancel-warp-warmup-by-move: true

# Defines the Warp-Rating-Settings

min-rating: 1.00
max-rating: 5.00
allow-decimal-rating: false

# Defines the List of Warpnames that can't be used (Write the Names in lower case)
- "spawn"
- "help"

# Defines the Worlds in which no Warp can be created
- "world_nether"
- "world_end"

# Defines the WarpSign-Header on which the Sign gets detected
warp-sign-header: "[Warp]"

# Defines whether the WarpSign is destroyed if an Error occurs during the creation
destroy-warp-sign-on-error: true


# Defines how many Homes should be shown on one Page of "/home homes"
homes-page-size: 10

# Defines how many Homes a Player can create without any extra Permissions
default-home-amount: 1

# Defines the maximum length of a Homename
max-home-length: 20

# Defines whether a Player can create a Home only on his Island (Only works with BentoBox)
set-home-only-on-island: false

# Defines whether a Player can only teleported to a Home if he is in the same World as the Home-Location
use-home-only-in-same-world: false

# Defines whether a Player can only teleported to a Home if the Home is safe (Can be ignored with Permission)
use-safe-home: false

# Defines the Home-Cooldown in Seconds until a Player can use the "/home <Home>" again (Can be ignored with Permission)
home-cooldown: 0.0

# Defines the Seconds a Player must wait, to get teleported to the Home (Can be ignored with Permission)
home-warmup: 0.0

# Defines whether a Home WarmUp should be canceled if the Player moves
cancel-home-warmup-by-move: true

# Defines the Worlds in which no Home can be created
- "world_nether"
- "world_end"


# Defines whether a Player should teleported back to the Spawn if he joins the Server
return-to-spawn-on-join: false

# Defines whether a Player can only teleported to the Spawn if he is in the same World as the Spawn-Location
use-spawn-only-in-same-world: false

# Defines whether a Player can only teleported to the Spawn if the Spawn is safe (Can be ignored with Permission)
use-safe-spawn: false

# Defines the Spawn-Cooldown in Seconds until a Player can use the "/spawn" again (Can be ignored with Permission)
spawn-cooldown: 0.0

# Defines the Seconds a Player must wait, to get teleported to the Spawn (Can be ignored with Permission)
spawn-warmup: 0.0

# Defines whether the Spawn WarmUp should be canceled if the Player moves
cancel-spawn-warmup-by-move: true


# Defines after how many Seconds a Teleport-Request should expire
tpa-respond-time: 60.0

# Defines after how many Seconds a Teleport-Here-Request should expire
tpahere-respond-time: 60.0

# Defines whether a Player-Death should create a Back-Location on this Position
death-create-back-location: false

# Defines whether the Back-Location of a Player should get cleared on Quit
clear-back-location-on-quit: true


Known Bugs / Issues:
Known Bugs or Issues that are not yet resolved in the newest Version:
  • There are currently no known or not fixed Issues!​
  • If you discover any kind of Bug please instantly contact me in the Discussion-Area, send me a DM or join the GPlugins Discord Server, so i can fix this as soon as possible!​


Planned Features:
Planned Features for future Versions:
  • Adding more implementations for other Plugins!​
  • Extensions for "/spawn"​
  • If you have any suggestions more new Features let me know in the Discussion-Area or send me a DM or join the GPlugins Discord Server!​


Change Language:
  • Set the "Lang.lang"-Option in the config.yml to your chosen Language​
Add a new Language-File:
  • Copy one of the Language-Files and name it like you will​
  • Change the Messages in the Language-File​
  • Set the "Lang.lang"-Option in the Config.yml to your created Language-File​



Author FateKid
5,910 pts
1.2.3 Version
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings Average Rating (3)

More files from FateKid

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