![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/bfLrdpF.png)
Gangs+ is an advanced high-quality gang system perfect for prison, GTA and even PVP servers with lots of customization options. This plugin requires UUID support (Spigot 1.7.10 or newer).
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/WONkNm2.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/rpt908L.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/ljGuQay.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/8uE2T9A.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/tVLIKLd.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/J7P6QK7.png)
- Create/disband gangs, invite/uninvite/kick players
- Promote/demote players (there are 5 customizable ranks with different permissions in each gang)
- Highly configurable permissions for each command
- Gang and player statistics with kills, deaths, KDR, fights won, fights lost, WLR (won/lost rate)
- Togglable friendly fire (for both administator and each gang's leader)
- Gang chat channel with togglable social spy for administrators
- Gang bank account
- Alliances with PVP support and ally chat
- Multiple homes (home, listhomes, delhome, sethome) - can be disabled in config
- Chat-based leaderboard (top 10 with highest KDR and WLR)
- Homes, gang chat and fights modules can be easily disabled in config
- Customizable chat prefixes, max members amount, max homes amount (different for each gang level)
- Fights - configure multiple fight arenas, challenge other gangs, bet and win/lose money
- Prevent players from using certain commands during gang fight
- Chat formatting plugins support - {GANG} will be replaced with player's gang name. There are also available placeholders in the DeluxeChat plugin.
- Reward players for upgrading the gang to higher level
- Notifications can be broadcasted using 1.8 titles
- 100% customizable messages
- MySQL/SQLite support
- CombatTag/CombatTag Reloaded/CombatLog/CombatTagPlus support
- Supports all languages (including Chinese)
- API with custom events
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/vi41xel.png)
- SQLite support ✓
- Alliances ✓
- Fights improvements ✓
- More admin commands ✓
- Rewards for upgrading the gang to higher level ✓
- API ✓
- Player and gang profiles GUI
- Auto-purge inactive players and gangs
- More admin commands
- More fights features
- More events & API methods
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/fXPZXG3.png)
Ally chat command aliases: /allychat /achat /ac
Gang chat command aliases: /gangchat /gchat /gc
Fight command aliases: /fight
Admin command aliases: /gangadmin /gadmin /ga
- /g help - list of all gang-related commands (gangsplus.gang.help)
- /g list - list of all gangs (gangsplus.gang.list)
- /g top - gangs leaderboard (gangsplus.gang.top)
- /g info <gang> - specified gang's statistics (gangsplus.gang.info)
- /g create <name> - create a new gang (gangsplus.gang.create)
- /g disband - disband your gang (gangsplus.gang.disband)
- /g invite <player> - invite specified player to your gang (gangsplus.gang.invite)
- /g join|accept <gang> - join specified gang (gangsplus.gang.join)
- /g uninvite <player> - cancel player's invitation (gangsplus.gang.uninvite)
- /g kick <player> - kick player out of your gang (gangsplus.gang.kick)
- /g leave - leave your gang (gangsplus.gang.leave)
- /g friendlyfire - toggle friendly fire in gang (gangsplus.gang.friendlyfire)
- /g levelup - level up to higher gang level (gangsplus.gang.levelup)
- /g promote <player> - promote specified player to higher rank (gangsplus.gang.promote)
- /g demote <player> - demote specified player to lower rank (gangsplus.gang.demote)
- /g leader <player> - give the gang leadership to specified player (gangsplus.gang.leader)
- /g deposit <amount> - deposit money on your gang's bank account (gangsplus.gang.deposit)
- /g withdraw <amount> - withdraw money from your gang's bank account (gangsplus.gang.withdraw)
- /g listhomes - list of all gang homes (gangsplus.gang.listhomes)
- /g home <home> - teleport to specified gang home (gangsplus.gang.home)
- /g sethome <home> - set specified gang home's location (gangsplus.gang.sethome)
- /g delhome <home> - delete specified gang home (gangsplus.gang.delhome)
- /g player|playerinfo <player> - specified player's statistics (gangsplus.gang.playerinfo)
- /g regroup <home name> - request all players to regroup at specified home (gangsplus.gang.regroup)
- /g confirm - confirms previous action, eg. gang disband (gangsplus.gang.confirm)
- /g ally <gang> - send alliance request to specified gang (gangsplus.gang.ally)
- /g neutral <gang> - set relation with an ally to neutral (gangsplus.gang.neutral)
- /gc on|off - toggle gang chat on/off (gangsplus.gangchat)
- /gc <message> - send a single message on gang chat (gangsplus.gangchat)
- /ac on|off - toggle ally chat on/off (gangsplus.allychat)
- /ac<message> - send a single message on ally chat (gangsplus.allychat)
- /fight challenge <players amount> <money> <gang> - challenge specified gang for a fight (gangsplus.fight.challenge)
- /fight accept <gang> - accept fight challenge from specified gang (gangsplus.fight.accept)
- /fight decline <gang> - decline fight challenge from specified gang (gangsplus.fight.decline)
- /fight join - join the fight your gang takes part in (gangsplus.fight.join)
- /fight leave - leave the fight your gang takes part in (gangsplus.fight.leave)
- /ga arena list - list all fight arenas (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
- /ga arena create <arena id> - create a new fight arena (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
- /ga arena delete <arena id> - delete specified arena (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
- /ga arena setlocation <arena id> <location> - set specified location for specified arena (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
- /ga arena setname <arena id> <name> - change the name of specified arena (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
- /ga arena save <arena id> - save changes made to an arena to the database (gangsplus.gangadmin.arena)
- /ga bank balance <gang> - check specified gang's bank account balance (gangsplus.gangadmin.bank)
- /ga bank give <amount> <gang> - add specified amount to gang's bank account (gangsplus.gangadmin.bank)
- /ga bank take <amount> <gang> - remove specified amount from gang's bank account (gangsplus.gangadmin.bank)
- /ga bank reset <gang> - reset specified gang's bank account balance (gangsplus.gangadmin.bank)
- /ga disband <name> - disband specified gang (gangsplus.gangadmin.disband)
- /ga delhome <gang> <home> - delete specified gang's home (gangsplus.gangadmin.delhome)
- /ga home <gang> <home> - teleport to specified gang's home (gangsplus.gangadmin.home)
- /ga listhomes <gang> - list of all gang's homes (gangsplus.gangadmin.listhomes)
- /ga reset <kills|deaths|assists> <player> - reset player's statistics (gangsplus.gangadmin.reset)
- /ga reload - reload Gangs+ settings/messages (gangsplus.gangadmin.reload)
- /ga socialspy [player] - turn on gang chat social spy for specified player (or yourself if no name is given) (gangsplus.gangadmin.socialspy)
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/jHGVgtI.png)
- gangsplus.gangadmin - required for all admin commands
- gangsplus.fightcommands - required to use banned commands during gang fight (useful for moderators/admins etc)
- gangsplus.checkbalance - required to see other gang's bank account balance (when showGangBalanceToOthers set to false)
Additionally players have access to different features based on their in-gang rank. All of them are configurable since 2.0.0 version (see "ranks -> requiredRanks" section in config.yml), this table just an example.
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/dOhw4Fi.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/wJPniK9.png)
See placeholders...
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/dZjbBld.png)
- Spigot 1.8.0 or newer
- Vault 1.4.1 or newer
- (optional) MySQL database
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/qrZMcH9.png)
- Purchase (thanks!) and download the plugin
- Stop your server, put the .jar file in your server's /plugins/ directory
- Start the server, plugin will generate all necessary config files
- (optional) Fill in MySQL connection settings in config.yml
- Restart the server
- Done!
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://i.imgur.com/0ET8JDU.png)
All configuration files are easy to edit. If any of them lacks a feature you wish to be added, please contact us.
Configuration examples: