FancyWaystones - Waystones, Waypoints, Warpstones - A Teleporter and Location Marker Plugin

MC Plugin FancyWaystones - Waystones, Waypoints, Warpstones - A Teleporter and Location Marker Plugin 1.1.32
Fair Teleport System | Find Location using Waypoints | Flexible Config | Supports ItemsAdder, etc

  • Added Teleport Command to teleport any player to a specific waystone.
  • Added Identifier
    Normally waystone UUIDs look like this "85f1a741-ae53-4768-ae74-2672d2c4a533". But with this new identifier, you can set a secondary identifier for your waystone. This is useful for teleport command if you want to target a specific waystone.
  • Item Filter
    Item packets sent from the server no longer have the FancyWaystones NBT data. Item packets received from the client will also ignore any changes made to FancyWaystones NBT data (Creative Item Modification). This is to prevent large data from being sent to clients and to prevent illegal modification by creative clients.
  • Fixed safety teleport feature
    In this update, players will no longer teleport above the waystone model. I'd recommend increasing the safety radius check (in config.yml).
  • Fixed attached entities will detach even though the teleportation is canceled.
  • Fixed bug where distance cost max price would set to infinity
  • Fixed bug where item cannot be removed from player's extra slots (armor slots and offhand)
  • Fixed bug where players can put TP Offset items inside item frames
  • Fixed bug where players can move TP Offset items to another inventory
  • Added sound (configurable) when waystone is placed, broken, and activated
  • Fixed bug where players can't place ingredients from recipes book
  • Fixed where waystone/waypoint GUI fails to open when the sorting option is changed
  • [BREAKING] Removed Region Waystone from Default Configuration.
    Region waystone has been around since the very first version of FancyWaystones. Although, old region waystone configuration may still work on this version. If you want to remove the region from the waystone type list, make sure you re-configure the book configuration, recipe configuration, model configuration, GUI configuration, languages, and item model configuration.
  • Added more options to Waypoints.
    You can now set Server, Personal, and Waystone Waypoints to be Automatically Visible.
  • Quality of Life Update
    Search, Sort, and Order will be saved and restored the next time you open a waystone/warpstone/waypoint menu
  • Added {waypoint_age} placeholder that shows the age of waypoint
  • Fixed where sorting waypoints from newest to oldest actually does the opposite
  • Improved name sorting to ignore case
  • Fixed where server waystones are not visible in the warpstone menu
  • Added waypoint visibility state string to language files to offer a more flexible language message.
  • Added an option to set the default category for warpstone, waypoint, and waystone menu.
  • Fixed where the favorite category is missing from the default warpstone configuration.
  • Fixed where Player data sometimes were not able to save when quitting the game, restarting the server, or stopping the server.
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