ExcellentShop ⭐ 4 in 1 Multi-Currency Shop

MC Plugin ExcellentShop ⭐ 4 in 1 Multi-Currency Shop 4.13.4
Static & Rotating GUI shops, ChestShop, Auction GUI in single plugin!

(!) Server version: 1.19 or higher
(!) Java version: 21 or higher
(!) Required Plugins:
(✔) Optional plugins:

Looking for a GUI shop plugin? Chest shop? Auction? Daily shop?
Welcome to ExcellentShop - The 4 in 1 shop plugin!





  • ⭐ Multi-Currency. Use different currencies in shop products and auctions! Restrict certain currencies from being used by players!
  • ⭐ Modularized. Don't need VirtualShop / ChestShop / Auction? Disable it with a single config option!
  • ⭐ 4 Price Types. Create advanced shops with static, float, dynamic, player-dependant prices!
  • ⭐ Custom Item Support. Features support for your favorite item plugins as well as default items with NBT.
  • ⭐ In-Game Editor. Manage your shops with simple and intuitive GUI editor!
  • ⭐ Virtual Shops. Create amazing GUI shops, where each shop has custom pages and GUI layout(s)!
  • ⭐ Rotating Shops. Create rotating GUI shops, where shop items changed with defined interval!
  • ⭐ Chest Shops. Create container-based shops using items or commands, where each shop assigned to a block with a showcase and hologram!
  • ⭐ Auction. Buy/sell stuff through globally available auction with filters and categories!
  • ⭐ Stocks & Limits. Define global stock & player limits for buying/selling of certain products! *VirtualShop feature
  • ⭐ Items & Commands. Sell items or commands in your shops! *VirtualShop feature
  • ⭐ Sell Commands. Quickly sell all your inventory stuff with /sellgui, /sellall and /sellhand commands. *VirtualShop feature
  • ⭐ Sell Multipliers. Create persistent sell multipliers based on player's rank or permissions! *VirtualShop feature
  • ⭐ Shops & Products Amount. Define how many shops & products players can create based on their ranks or permissions! *ChestShop feature
  • ⭐ Infinite Storage. Don't be limited with the shop's container size. Use virtual storage to sell huge amount of items! *ChestShop feature
  • ⭐ Shops List. Browse shops, search for shop items with simple GUIs! *ChestShop feature
  • ⭐ Shop Bank. Split your pocket and shop balances with the bank feature! *ChestShop feature
  • ⭐ PlaceholderAPI Support
  • ⭐ And a lot more!...
















Author shanruto
4,635 pts
4.13.4 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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