EpicCraftingsPlus | Fully Configurable CRAFTINGS! [1.8-1.21.4]

MC Plugin EpicCraftingsPlus | Fully Configurable CRAFTINGS! [1.8-1.21.4] 7.32.3
Create custom craftings in a very unique way, up to 15 required items! Perfect for RPG!


If you have been using EpicCraftingsPlus and updating to version 7.x, read this: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...craftings-1-8-1-18.39967/update?update=441777

This plugin allows you to create custom craftings in a very unique way. Using the /ecraft command (or a configurable crafting place) you can craft epic items with custom names, lore, enchantments, but only if you have the required items or required conditions (All of this is configurable). You can create all the craftings you want and its a maximum of 15 required items per crafting.

Each of the craftings have many other configurable options, like cooldown time, permissions, actions to execute when crafted, category, one time craft, among others...

Example: You can craft an item named: Epic Sword, But you need: x15 Diamonds, x15 Gold Ingots and whatever items you want.



- ✓ Create craftings with different properties:
  • Custom item
  • Up to 15 required items
  • Cooldown
  • Cooldown bypass cost
  • Permission
  • One time craft
  • Craft with money
  • Hide required items flags
  • Ignore required items properties (name, lore, enchants)
  • Success rate
  • Actions when crafted (player command, console command, title, playsound, firework, message, close inventory)
  • Give no item (craft commands instead)
  • Extra requirements (using PlaceholderAPI variables)
  • Random craftings
  • Prevent required item being removed from inventory
- ✓ Create and save craftings automatically using /ecraft create <name>
- ✓ Save item properties:

  • Id, durability/datavalue
  • Name
  • Lore
  • Amount
  • Custom model data
  • Enchantments
  • Item flags
  • Attributes
  • Leather armor color
  • Enchanted books
  • Skull Data (texture, id, owner)
  • Potion Data
  • Banner Data
  • Firework Data
  • NBT
- ✓ Categories system
- ✓ Automatic Page system
- ✓ Completely configurable inventories
- ✓ Crafting places/Categorized crafting places
- ✓ Block /ecraft command
- ✓ Hide craftings with permission
- ✓ Hide one time craftings
- ✓ Attach blocks to open the main inventory
- ✓ Cooldown notifications
- ✓ One cooldown at the time
- ✓ Log file
- ✓ Previous and next craftings system
- ✓ Optional dependencies:

  • Vault (to craft using money or bypass cooldown)
  • PlaceholderAPI (to add conditions on extra requirements)
  • Holographic Displays (to spawn holograms above crafting places)
- ✓ Command to give craftings directly to a player
- ✓ Command to verify for errors
- ✓ Bypass cooldowns permission
- ✓ Reduce cooldowns time permission
- HEX color support
- ✓ Works in 1.8+


Spigot or Paper (not craftbukkit)
2. (Optional) Vault (To craft items using money or bypass cooldowns, https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vault.34315/)
3. (Optional) PlaceholderAPI (To add conditions to extra requirements, https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/)
3. (Optional) Holographic Displays (To spawn holograms above crafting places, https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/holographic-displays)

To install the plugin on your server place the EpicCraftingsPlus.jar file inside your plugins folder and start your server.

Inmediately you can use the /ecraft command to access the main inventory in which you will find 2 categories; Weapons/Armors and Others craftings. Each crafting is one file, and you can find them in the craftings folder. To create a new crafting do the following:

1. Use the /ecraft create <name> command while holding an item in your hand. This item will be the final crafting.

2. Select a category for this crafting.

3. Place the required items to create this crafting in the inventory.

4. Push the "Create Crafting" button and it is ready! All items will be saved. What you can do now is to configure many of the new crafting properties in the generated file inside the craftings folder.

To a proper understanding of the plugin check the wiki below. Here you will find the whole plugin explained in detail.



Opens the crafting inventory.
/ecraft create <name> Creates a new crafting for the item in your hand.
/ecraft edit <name> Edits the required items of an already created crafting.
/ecraft delete <name> Deletes a crafting.
/ecraft give <player> <crafting> Gives a crafting to a player.
/ecraft opencategory <player> <category> (optional, blocked category)<true/false> Opens an EpicCraftingsPlus category to the player. The last argument represents whether or not players can go back to the categories inventory. Example: /ecraft opencategory Ajneb weapons_armor true
/ecraft reload Reloads the Config.
/ecraft help Shows this message.
/ecraft setplace Creates a crafting place on the target block.
/ecraft removeplace Removes a crafting place.
/ecraft verify Checks the plugin for errors.

(Access to all functionalities and commands of the plugin.)
ecraft.bypass.cooldowns (Allows the player to bypass ALL crafting cooldowns.)
ecraft.cooldown.<crafting>.<percentage_reduction> (Allows the player to reduce the cooldown of a crafting by a certain percentage. For example, ecraft.cooldown.supersword.60 will reduce the cooldown of the super_sword crafting by a 60%. You can replace <crafting> with * to reduce the cooldown for ALL craftings.)
Author shanruto
4,635 pts
7.32.3 Version
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings Average Rating (1)

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