Dutch translation for XenForo

XF2 Translations Dutch translation for XenForo 2.2.8 (rev. 1)
Dutch translation for XenForo

Compatible versions
This is the latest version of the Dutch translation for XenForo 2.2.5

It also includes the translation of various popular add-ons (bonus!).
If you don't have these add-ons, no problem. You can just import this language pack. Missing add-ons will be ignored.

XenForo Enhanced Searchdone
XenForo Redirects for vBulletindone
XenForo Media Gallerydone
XenForo Resource Managerdone
Conversation Essentialsdone
Conversation Improvementsdone
Custom 404 Pagedone
Daily Statisticsdone
Group membership moderatorsdone
Member Self Deletedone
Redis Cachedone
Search Improvementsdone
Signup abuse detection and blockingdone
[AL] Original Poster Highlightdone
[Mr. Jinx] Forum index tweakdone
[Mr. Jinx] Log all moderator actionsdone
[Mr. Jinx] Members online widget permissiondone
[Mr. Jinx] Profile fields popupdone
[Mr. Jinx] Table BBcode Tweakdone
[Mr. Jinx] Translate Outdated Phrasesdone
[Mr. Jinx] What's new tweakdone
[TH] Nodesdone
[tl] Ignore Contentdone
[XenDACH] Limit Language Usagedone
Change content ownerdone
[Andrew] Moderator Paneldone
Browser Detectiondone
[TH] Activation Email Reminder/User Purgerdone
ElasticSearch Essentialsdone
Keyword Linkingdone

Managing languages (recommended but not necessary!)

This way you can frequently update the language pack 'Nederlands - origineel' while keeping your own customizations in your own language pack called 'Nederlands'. To prevent your users from selecting 'Nederlands - origineel' you can toggle the switches as shown in the image above.

  1. Import the dutch language pack as a new language called 'Nederlands - origineel'
  2. Create a new language pack called 'Nederlands' and make sure to use the exact same settings as 'Nederlands - origineel'
  3. Make 'Nederlands' child of 'Nederlands - origineel'
  4. Now, you can disable 'Nederlands - origineel' by toggling the switch. This prevents users from selecting this language. They will only see your customized version called 'Nederlands'
  5. If you have any customizations, put them in your child language pack 'Nederlands'
How to update:

Import this language, overwriting 'Nederlands - origineel'
You will keep your own changes made in 'Nederlands', that's it!
Author Bees?
4,355 pts
2.2.8 (rev. 1) Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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