Dexterity ⭕ Rotate and Resize Blocks with Ease ✅ No Dependencies⚡Add Custom Objects and Furniture

MC Plugin Dexterity ⭕ Rotate and Resize Blocks with Ease ✅ No Dependencies⚡Add Custom Objects and Furniture 1.4.7
Add mind-blowing detail to your worlds using block displays - No mods or resource packs required


Add stunning displays and detail to your worlds with ease


This scene was built in-game only with Dexterity tools.
There are no resource packs,
no custom models,
no modpacks,
and no other external editing software.

Make your worlds pop with incredible detail

Example use case: Create custom objects instead of NPCs


Edit block display entities just like real blocks


Place and break block display entities without limits


Convert & de-convert normal blocks into block display entities
/d convert
/d deconvert


Make precise selections with WorldEdit integration
Easily undo or redo your changes
//wand (or /d wand with no WorldEdit)
/d undo


Scale or skew a selection
/d scale <multiplier>
Advanced example: /d scale -set y=1.5


Rotate a selection along any axis
/d rotate <degrees>
Advanced example: /d rotate -reset yaw=30 roll=-20
Clone a selection
Import and export schematics
Add commands to run on click
Let players sit on display with click
Use less entities by consolidating
Move selection with precision
Change the glow color
And more!
See the full command list



⭐ Discord Support ⭐
The schematics for all of the gifs on this page are free to download on the discord server! You can also get your questions answered here whether or not you have downloaded the plugin:


Spoiler: What is a Block Display / How is this possible with no mods?
Spoiler: Can builders learn this quickly?
Spoiler: Are block displays physical blocks?
Spoiler: Are block displays heavy on the server?
Essential for any builder
Quickly create any amount of decoration directly in-game without any modpacks or external software.

1,325 pts
1.4.7 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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