- Create unlimited Farms
- Create crop farms (toggleable)
- Create tree farms (toggleable)
- Create your own farm types in the farms.yml file.
- You can for example create a miner minion or whatever you want.
- Supports every block that is included in vanilla Minecraft
- Unlimited amount (configurable)
- Unlimited size (configurable)
- Unlimited growth speed (configurable)
- Unlimited storage slots (configurable)
- Supports all types of farm-able plants
- Supports even melons and pumpkins
- Farm storage is saved, even if you stop the server
- Create public farms that everybody can use.
- Use a minion as the farm item (optional)
- Folia Support
- Best performance you can get
- This plugin makes live scans to optimize performance
- Farms run mostly asynchronous
- Easy configuration, but still many options
- Config with inbuilt explanation
- Configure Economy
- Vault economy supported
- Inbuilt item economy
- Configure full GUI
- Edit EVERY item
- Edit title
- Edit lore
- Edit material (item)
- Edit EVERY title
- Many options to customize your experience
- Edit EVERY message your players will see
- Send messages as a chat message and/or title and/or actionbar
- GUI Interface
- NO commands needed
- Everything is available in a nice GUI
- Very easy to understand and use
- Upgrade menu
- Upgrade different types of abilities for your farm
- Level system
- Economy support
- Storage menu
- View and collect the items your farm has produced
- Unlimited pages supported
- Unlimited slots supported (via pages)
- Item Transfer (optional)
- Transfer items out of the storage into an upgradeable hopper of the plugin UpgradeableHoppers
- Fully asynchronous item move
- Members menu
- View members
- Trust players
- Setup roles
- Configure flags
- Trust players to use your farm
- Assign roles to players
- Set role restrictions (For example, allow them only to plant and not harvest)
- Holograms
- You can completely disable/configure this
- Add some nice holograms to your farm
- Requires HolographicDisplays
- Multiple database Types
- SQLite (Requires nothing; Everyone can use it)
- Steal Prevention
- Players can't steal farm items from other players
- Staff Bypass Permissions
- Bypasses to edit other player's farms or bypass protections
- Supports Claim/Skyblock Plugins
- All claim or skyblock plugins support that farms can not be placed in claimed areas where the player is not trusted. The listed plugins below just provide special features.
- Special Features support (toggleable):
- Allow players in areas where they're trusted to use all farms
- Only allow farm creation in the area
- Currently supported:
- Lands
- SuperiorSkyblock2
- BentoBox
- Huge API with many possibilities
- Customize your experience
- See the documentation on Github
- Wiki: https://github.com/Angeschossen/BetterFarming/wiki
- Config: https://github.com/Angeschossen/BetterFarming/blob/master/src/main/resources/config.yml
- Commands: https://github.com/Angeschossen/BetterFarming/wiki/Permissions#command-permissions
- Permissions: https://github.com/Angeschossen/BetterFarming/wiki/Permissions
- Developer API: https://github.com/Angeschossen/Bet...mingAPI/src/me/angeschossen/betterfarming/api