Need a lottery plugin for your network? (PVP, skyblock, prison, factions, town, survival) Haven't found the best one yet? This lottery plugin will provide all the features you need.
It features GUI menus, Mysql saving data (with connection pools), chat broadcasting, unlimited tickets, win system, titles, animations and more. Heres some reasons why you should buy this plugin:
Confirm menu demo with ten tickets
hundred (with chat broadcast demo, the text is actually clickable)
How about a thousand tickets???!! (Player stats menu demo)
Endless amount of tickets and easy self-explained GUI menus(Not to say help menus are provided too!)
NOTE: The plugin does not support reloading from versions 4.1 onwards
Documentation and Config
%money% - Displays the total cost of the tickets to be purchased or the total money in the lottery pot
%player% - Displays the name of the player
%time% - Displays the time left until the lottery is drawn
%time_short% - Same as %time% but with shortened time suffix
%balance% - Player money balance
%ticket% - The amount of tickets to be bought
%line% - Newline
The following are placeholders that can be used with PlaceholderAPI:
%advancedlottery_time% - Time left till draw
%advancedlottery_time_short% - Time left till draw with shortened suffix
%advancedlottery_tickets% - Number of tickets bought for the player
%advancedlottery_money% - The amount of money in the lottery pot
%advancedlottery_winner% - The winner of the last lottery draw, displays None if not available
If there is any placeholders for this plugin which you wish to use but is not supported, do pm me on discord or spigot and I will consider adding it.
Normal commands:
• /lottery - main command
• /lottery menu - opens the menu gui
• /lottery help - opens the help gui
• /lottery time - tells the time left until draw
• /lottery buy - buy a lottery ticket
• /lottery stats <player> - shows stats (Player is optional)
Admin commands:
• /lottery reload - reloads the plugin configuration files
• /lottery end - ends the lottery and select a winner
• /lottery settime <time> - sets the time for the lottery
/lottery settime 1d - sets lottery countdown timer to 1 day
/lottery settime 1min - sets lottery countdown timer to 1 minute
Time suffix that can be used are d/day/h/hour/m/minutes/min/s/sec/second. This applies for the lottery reminder command too.
• /lottery reminder add <time> - adds a reminder that broadcasts time left until lottery draw
/lottery reminder add 1d - adds a reminder when the time left to draw is 1 day
/lottery reminder add 1min - adds a reminder when the time left to draw is 1 minute
• /lottery reminder remove <time> - removes a reminder that was created
• /lottery addpot <amount> - Adds <amount> of money into the pot
• /lottery addtickets <player> <amount> - Gives <player> <amount> of free tickets
advancedlottery.use - Access to user commands (buy, menu, time, etc). Allows player to buy number of tickets specified in config for default
advancedlottery.donor - Allows player to buy number of tickets specified in config for donor
advancedlottery.maxtickets.x - Allows a player to buy a maximum of x amounts of tickets (Donor perk)
advancedlottery.admin - Access to admin commands (settime, reminder etc)
advancedlottery.cooldown.bypass - Allows player to bypass cooldown period when buying tickets
vault (latest will be the best)
spigot (1.8 and above)
MySQL (optional)
Placeholder API (optional)