AdvancedEnderchest ⭐| Bring your Enderchest to the next level! | Highly customizeable | 1.13 - 1.20

MC Plugin AdvancedEnderchest ⭐| Bring your Enderchest to the next level! | Highly customizeable | 1.13 - 1.20 1.1.7
Multi Enderchest or multi row Enderchest plugin with advanced features! (Like Enderchest++)

➕ Added PlaceholderAPI support for titles, lores and more!
➕ MySQL wait_timeout detection -> No more lost database connections!
➕ Fixed an issue that prevented item whitelist from working
➕ Fixed an MySQL error where the java driver was not loading correctly so the database connection failed
➕ Fixed an issue where items could be duplicated by opening another inventory on top of the AEC
➕ Fixed an issue where low wait_timeouts made chests inaccessable - MySQL database reconnects after wait_timeout has passed
➕ Added item whitelist - Only allow certain items to be put in the enderchest
➕ Added vanilla Enderchest sound effects and delays
➕ Fixed duplication bug
➕ Added option to reopen the multi mode inventory when an AEC is closed
Add this to your config on upgrade:
  # When you close a chest in multi mode should the inventory be closed (false) or should the multi mode inventory be
  # opened (true)
  return-to-menu-when-enderchest-closed: false
➕ Fixed an issue where enderchest were opened twice, the second empty and so overwriting the database with an empty inventory
➕ Use /aec see <name> <chestId> to show the contents of a players enderchest
➕ Command permissions have been updated. Each subcommand has its own permission now. Example: /aec reload » aec.reload or /aec invsee » aec.invsee

[BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where players could duplicate items when clicking on an enderchest too fast.
➕ You can now use "/aec invsee <Player> 1" to open multi chest one instead of "/aec invsee <Player> aec.multi.chest.1"
➕ Admins can execute /aec killswitch to disable or enable the opening of enderchests temporary. This will close all opened enderchests and prevent players from reopening them again. This is only active until the next restart / reload.
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