Features (detailed description)
- Custom Commands
- Register commands
- Registered commands show up while tab-completing.
- Registered commands can also be executed from other plugins.
- Command Arguments
- Compatible with the console
- Aliases {NEW}
- Custom plugin names for tab-completion. {NEW}
- Command suggestions when typing an invalid command. {NEW}
- Permissions
- No Permission message
- Cooldowns
- No Cooldown message
- Actions
- Register commands
- Custom Menus
- Custom menu title
- Placeholders in menu title
- Left-click actions for items
- Right-click actions for items
- Custom size
- Custom open permission (message)
- Custom open cooldown
- Open actions
- Close actions
- Apply a command to the menu to open it in-game.
- Register menu opening commands.
- All items are configurable
- Supports custom model data
- Supports custom additions items using ci-ITEMNAME
- Supports HeadDatabase/player heads
- Supports ItemsAdder items
- Enchantments
- Each item can now have its own cooldown!
- Scoreboards
- Animated lines support! {NEW}
- Supports (MVdW) PlaceholderAPI
- Per World / General
- Togglable per player
- Anti-Flicker
- Supports HEX and Gradient colors!
- Up to 32 chars on 1.8-1.12
- Unlimited characters on 1.13+!!
- Nametags
- Group-based
- Animated
- Permission-based
- Create custom tablists
- Per World
- Supports (MVdW) PlaceholderAPI
- Custom Player Names In Tab
- Animated
- Animations are in sync among all players with the same tag
- Unlimited groups
- Orders - Highest order gets to be the tag (0 is high)
- Supports (MVdW) PlaceholderAPI
- Create custom items
- Cooldowns for items
- Left-click actions
- Right-click actions
- Non-left-right-click actions
- Everything of an item is configurable
- Supports HeadDatabase/player heads
- Supports custom model data
- Supports ItemsAdder items
- Enchantments
- Item options for customizing your items even more, such as anti-moving, anti-drop, and more.
- Colorable armor
- Custom potions (effects, colors)
- Supports custom skull models (base64) {NEW}
- Create custom books
- Book title
- Book item name
- Book item lore
- Custom author
- Custom generation (original, tattered, copy_of_copy, copy_of_original)
- Inventory Slot (for giving the book)
- Unlimited Pages
- Interval actions
- Random interval
- Editable interval (in ticks)
- Unlimited interval actions
- Create custom signs
- Supports color codes.
- Supports PlaceholderAPI placeholders.
- Per player placeholder support.
- Actions when clicking the signs
- Event Actions
- 38 custom events
- Perform actions when an event is being fired
- Custom join message
- Custom leave message
- Custom Event API for Developers
- Color Codes On Signs (&)
- Color Codes In Anvils (&)
- HEX Color support for all color-supported strings
- Use the placeholder {c:#hex} (Example: {c:#42f5c5}text here)
- Gradient Colors support for all color-supported strings on 1.13+:
- Use the placeholder {#hex>}text{#hex<}.
- Plugin hooks
- PlaceholderAPI support
- MVdWPlaceholderAPI support
- Vault support
- ProtocolLib support
- HeadDatabase support
- Plugin Event Integrations
- MinetopiaSDB
- ASkyBlock
- Plugins Hooking Into Addititons+:
- Developer API
- 74 Actions
- 1.8x - 1.21x support
- 13 Built-in Placeholders
- Almost 100% customizable!
- Frequently updated
- 24/7 and fast support via Discord
- Much more...