The Best Chat Tags Plugin On The Market
Trello | Docs
ImmortalTags is a premium chat tags plugin with several highly sought after features. This plugin allows you to assign chat tags to different players on your Minecraft community. These players can then use an interactive GUI, to select their favorite chat tag. They can also use the interactive colorizer GUI, too spice up their tag.
ImmortalTags has several amazing features, (and many more to arrive in future versions.) Future additions that are not yet in the plugin will be highlighted in red.
- Quality-Async Database Saving (Including MySQL and SQLite)
- Custom Colorizer GUI (Includes Color & Special Codes)
- Custom Tag Command (Allows Players To Design Chat Tags)
- Sound & Title Support
- Custom Paging GUI (For Main Tags)
- Custom Locked & Unlocked Item Displays (Each Tag Individually)
- Developer API Methods (More Information Below)
- PlaceholderAPI Support (For Use In Most Chat Plugins)
- EssentialsChat Support
- Developer API Events
- Custom Tag Vouchers
- In-Game Configurator
- Tag Shop GUI (Coming Soon...)
Of course, you can see some screenshots! There are a few GIFs below of some of the menus and features. I also provided a few videos on the plugin.
- /tags - Opens the main tag(s) GUI.
- /tags color - Opens the colorizer GUI.
- /tags help - Displays the help message.
- /tags info - Displays the help message.
- /tagcustom <input> - Sets custom tag design.
- /tagsadmin reload - Reloads the config.
- /tagsadmin unapply <player> - Removes a player's tag.
- /tagsadmin apply <player> <tag> - Applys a tag to a player.
- immortaltags.custom - Allows access to the custom tag.
- immortaltags.color - Gives players access to the colorizer.
- immortaltags.admin - All /tagsadmin command(s).
- %itags_display% - Display for tag.
- %itags_identifier% - Identifier for tag.
- {TAG} - EssentialsX Chat Placeholder. Same as the display.
For a complete list of commands, see the documentation page.
There are actually a few things that you need to know.
- This plugin works with EssentialsX Chat and any other plugin that uses PlaceholderAPI placeholders. Other than that, this plugin will not work with any other chat plugins. Some of the major ones such as DeluxeChat & ChatControl are supported.
- There is a Developer API for the plugin. I will post the class with the few methods below. One of my plans for the future is to add a separate developer API jar.
- Commands and features are subject to change as I see fit. There should be no big changes, this is only to protect me in certain scenarios.
- The configuration for this plugin can be found below. (Only the config.yml is provided, there are other configs, however.)